Explanation of wireless networking terms



      This section brings together the terms used in the explanations of wireless networking.
      Please refer to this information if you want to know the meaning of the various names and abbreviations related to wireless networks.
      Ad hoc connectionOne of the ways of connecting to a wireless LAN. Devices communicate directly with each other without going through an access point.
      Default gatewayWhen connecting from a network to an external network (such as the Internet), this device serves as the point of entry/exit among similar networks.
      DHCP serverA server that automatically assigns IP addresses.
      DHCP is an abbreviation for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
      DLNAA mechanism for making reciprocal connections between digital devices and computers using a household LAN environment.
      DLNA is an abbreviation for Digital Living Network Alliance.
      (Digital Media Player)
      A function for searching for or playing back movies, pictures, and music over a network on televisions and game devices.
      DMP is an abbreviation for Digital Media Player.
      (Digital Media Server)
      A function for distributing movies, pictures, and music over a network to televisions and game devices.
      DMS is an abbreviation for Digital Media Server.
      Encryption keyA password necessary for setting the encryption method for Wi-Fi communication. Can be set to a character string of your choice. The types of characters and the number of characters that can be set varies depending on the encryption method.
      Encryption methodA means of encrypting Wi-Fi communications. In order of highest encryption strength, there are: WPA2-PSK AES / WPA-PSK AES, WPA2-PSK TKIP / WPA-PSK TKIP, and WEP.
      FTP serverA server for sending/receiving files using FTP.
      FTP is an abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol.
      Infrastructure connectionOne of the ways of connecting to a wireless LAN. Devices communicate with each other through an access point.
      IP addressAn identifying number (a progression of four sets of digits*) assigned to each computer or communication device on a network. * In the case of IPv4.
      LANA network in a home or office that connects computers and communication devices.
      LAN is an abbreviation for Local Area Network.
      NASA recording device that can be connected to through a network. An example would be a hard drive. If the device is DLNA-compatible, it can also be used as a DMS.
      NAS is an abbreviation for Network-Attached Storage.
      PIN codeAn authentication password used to identify a device.
      PIN is an abbreviation for Personal Identification Number.
      Primary DNS serverThe server that converts domain names into IP addresses.
      Secondary DNS serverDNS is an abbreviation for Domain Name System.
      SSIDA number for identifying an access point. Used to prevent interference within a LAN. Can be set to an alphanumeric string (up to 32 characters) of your choice.
      SSID is an abbreviation for Service Set Identifier.
      Stealth functionA function in which the SSID for the access point is not broadcast for other devices to detect. Used to prevent connections to the network from unauthorized devices.
      Subnet maskThis value is used to request the network address from the IP address when distinguishing between the network address and host address for the IP address.
      Wi-FiThe name of a method for connecting devices on a wireless LAN that has been certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance.
      Wi-Fi is an abbreviation for Wireless Fidelity.
      WPSA standard for easily establishing a Wi-Fi connection to an access point and making security settings. There is a push-button method and a PIN code method.
      WPS is an abbreviation for Wi-Fi Protected Setup.