Changing Movie Sizes and Types (ZoomBrowser EX Ver6.5 - 6.6)



      This section explains about how to use the supplied software (ZoomBroweser EX) to change the sizes or types of the movies captured.
      • For these operations, [CameraWindow] should be installed from the bundled CD-ROM (DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk).
      • In this section, Windows 7 and [ZoomBrowser EX 6.6] are used as an example to explain the operations. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows XP, the on-screen displays and procedures may differ.

      1. Double-click the [ZoomBrowser EX] shortcut icon on your desktop to start [ZoomBrowser EX].

      If you cannot find the [ZoomBrowser EX] shortcut icon on your desktop, click [Start] () > [All Programs] or [Programs] > [Canon Utilities] > [ZoomBrowser EX] and select [ZoomBrowser EX] to start [ZoomBrowser EX].

      2. Select the Movie () or the Super Slow Motion Movie (), and click [Export].

      To select multiple movies, click the movie images while holding down the <Ctrl> key on the keyboard.

      3. Click [Export Movies].

      4. The following screen appears.

      Select a movie file format from the [Save image type] box to export movies.
      The [AVI (MotionJPEG)] format is generally used in computers, so it has an advantage in compatibility.
      The [MOV (H.264)] format can be used to reduce the file size while maintaining high image quality.
      If needed, select a [Rotation Setting], and then click [Next].

      5. The following screen appears.

      Make [Image Size], [Frame Rate], [Image Quality], and [Audio] settings.
      (If [Save image type] is set to [MOV (H.264)], the [Image Quality] option does not appear.)
      After having set all the items above, click [Next].

      6. The following screen appears.

      Specify the file name in [File Name setting].
      To change the location where the file is saved, click [Browse].
      Click [Finish].

      7. If the following window appears, click [OK].

      The following window appears while the movie file is being exported.

      8. When the file export is completed, the following window appears.

      Click [OK] to end the export.

      If you click [Details] in the window above, the following screen appears, so you can check the file name and the location where the file is saved again.

      This completes the file export procedure.