Set Paper Size and Type



    The default setting is <A4> and <PLAIN PAPER>. When you place other sizes and/or types of paper, follow this procedure to change the settings. The procedure is same for the paper cassette and multi-purpose tray except for selecting the paper cassette or multi-purpose tray in step 3 and 6.

    1. Press [Additional Functions].

    2. Press [<-] or [+>] to select <PAPER SETTINGS>, then press [OK].

    3. Press [<-] or [+>] to select <CASSETTE> or <MP TRAY>, then press [OK].

    4. Press [<-] or [+>] to select <PAPER SIZE>, then press [OK].

    5. Press [<-] or [+>] to select the paper size, then press [OK].

    You can select from the following paper sizes:

    The available paper sizes will vary depending on the country where the unit was purchased.

    6. Press [<-] or [+>] to select <CASSETTE> or <MP TRAY>, then press [OK].

    7. Press [<-] or [+>] to select <PAPER TYPE>, then press [OK].

    If you have selected <B5>, <A5>, <EXECUTIVE>, <COM10>, <MONARCH>, <DL> or <ISO-C5> for the paper size in step 5, <PAPER TYPE> is not displayed. Skip to step 9.

    8. Press [<-] or [+>] to select the paper type, then press [OK].

    You can select from the following paper types:
    <PLAIN PAPER> or <PLAIN PAPER L>*1 for Plain paper (64 g/sq.m. to 90 g/sq.m.)
    <HEAVY PAPER> or <HEAVY PAPER H>*2 for Heavy paper (Paper cassette: 105 g/sq.m. to 128 g/sq.m., Multipurpose tray: 105 g/sq.m, to 163 g/sq.m.) or Envelope <TRANSPARENCY> for Transparency
    *1 If paper curls excessively when printed with <PLAIN PAPER> selected, select <PLAIN PAPER L>.
    *2 If print fixing is not sufficient when printed with <HEAVY PAPER> selected, select <HEAVY PAPER H>.

    9. Press [Stop/Reset] to return to the standby mode.