How to combine divided clips using MP4 Join Tool (macOS)



    Make sure to save clips recorded with this camcorder to a computer. To do so, you will need a card reader connected to a computer or a computer with an SD card slot. For details on transferring files from the SD card, refer to the computer’s instruction manual or OS’s help modules.
    Under certain circumstances, clips may be split and recorded as separate files. Using MP4 Join Tool you can join the split files of and save them as a single seamless clip.
    MP4 Join Tool is available as a free download from your local Canon website. Check the download page for the system requirements and latest information.
    • This software was developed for exclusive use with MP4 clips recorded with Canon cameras. It should not be used to handle clips recorded or edited using other devices.
    • While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this manual is accurate and complete, Canon shall not be liable for any damages resulting from corrupted or lost data due to mistaken operation or malfunction of the software.

    Installing MP4 Join Tool on the computer
    1. Decompress the file that you downloaded from the Canon website.
    • The downloaded file is mjtm*****.dmg.gz.
    • The folder mjtm*****.dmg will be created.

    2. Double-click mjtm*****.dmg.
    • The MJTMInstaller icon will be created.

    3. Double-click MJTMInstaller.

    4. After the message appears prompting you to close all other applications, exit other applications and then click OK.

    5. Read the license agreement and click Yes to continue.
    • If you do not select Yes, you cannot install the software.

    6. When the installation has completed, Installation has completed successfully appears.

    7. Click Next and then click Finish.

    Transferring Files to the Computer
    1. Insert an SD card with the desired clips into the SD card slot of the computer or card reader connected to the computer.

    2. Click the [Finder] icon on the Dock.

    3. Copy the clips on the SD card to the computer.
    • Recordings on the SD card are located in folders named "XXX_mmdd" under the "DCIM" folder, where XXX is the folder number (100 to 999) and mmdd stands for the recording date.

    Joining Clips Split by the Camcorder
    1. Click on the MP4 Join Tool icon on the dock.
    • After a short while, the application’s main window will appear.

    2. Under [Source Folder], click the [...] button to select the folder where the original clips are stored.
    • MP4 Join Tool will look for split MP4 files in the selected folder and in subfolders under it (up to 3 levels deep).
    • As long as the applicable split files are stored in folders that meet the condition above, there is no need to keep the original file structure of the card used for recording.

    3. Under [Destination Folder], click the [...] button to select the folder where the joined MP4 clips will be saved.

    The destination folder must be on a drive with a file system that supports file sizes of 4 GB and larger.

    4. Click [Join].
    • The application will find all the applicable split MP4 files in the selected folder and up to 3 levels of subfolders and start joining them.
    A subfolder will be created under the Destination Folder and the joined (or copied) files will be saved in this subfolder. The subfolder's name will indicate the date of the operation ('yyyymmdd' format). (If you perform multiple join operations on the same day, a suffix starting from '_1' will be added to the subfolder's name.)

    5. When the confirmation message appears, click OK.

    • If part of the split files that compose an MP4 clip are missing, only the existing files will be joined, creating a partially incomplete MP4 clip.
    • The maximum continuous recording time of an MP4 clip is 6 hours. After that, the recording continues as a separate MP4 clip. These are not considered split clips and cannot be joined with this application.
    • Applicable MP4 clips :
     - File format: MP4 (.mp4)
     - Video compression: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
     - Audio format: LPCM (4 channels, 16 bit), AAC-LC (2 channels, 16 bit)

    6. Click MP4 Join Tool > Quit MP4 Join Tool or click the icon on the top left corner of the window.