Compare Product - Canon Singapore


Lens Model Number XJ95x8.6B
Size (W x H x L) 250.6 x 255.5 x 610.0mm
Weight 23.2kg (51.1lbs)

Magnification & Lens

Angular field of view (with Extender) 4:3 Aspect Ratio(8.8 x 6.6mm):
54.2° x 42.0° at 8.6mm
0.61° x 0.46° at 820mm
28.7° x 21.7° at 17.2mm
0.31° x 0.23° at 1640mm

16:9 Aspect Ratio(9.6 x 5.4mm):
58.3° x 34.9° at 8.6mm
0.67° x 0.38° at 820mm
31.2° x 17.8° at 17.2mm
0.34° x 0.19° at 1640mm
Built-in Extender 2.0x
Maximum Relative Aperture (with extender) 1:1.7 at 8.6 ~ 340mm
1:4.1 at 820mm
1:3.4 at 17.2 ~ 680mm
1:8.2 at 1640mm
Minimum Object Distance (M.O.D.) from lens front 3.0m
Object Dimensions at M.O.D. (with Extender) 4:3 Aspect Ratio(8.8 x 6.6mm):
274.1 x 205.6cm at 8.6mm
3.0 x 2.3cm at 820mm
137.1 x 102.8cm at 17.2mm
1.5 x 1.2cm at 1640mm

16:9 Aspect Ratio(9.6 x 5.4mm):
298.1 x 167.7cm at 8.6mm
3.2 x 1.8cm at 820mm
149.1 x 83.9cm at 17.2mm
1.6 x 0.9cm at 1640mm
Range of Focal Length (with Extender) 8.6 ~ 820mm
17.2 ~ 1640mm
Zoom Ratio 95x