Collect My Equipment for Repair
Camera / Camcorder / Printer Training
Check Repair Status
Request for On-site Service
Order Consumable
Rent a Copier
Hardware Training on Copier
Billing Enquiries
Relocate Copier
Update My Company Particulars

Call Us

Call Us

  • Sales Hotline
  • Service Hotline
    6799 8686
  • Main Line
    6799 8888
  • Fax Number
    6799 8882
  • Monday to Friday
    8:30am - 6:00pm

    Closed on Public Holidays.


  • Press 1 For Services
  • Press 2 For Sales
  • Press 3 to order toners, papers & staples
  • Press 4 for billing, account & contract matters
    • Press 1 for copier contract and copy charges
    • Press 2 for account statements and certified true copies
    • Press 3 for other account matters
  • Press 5 to look for staff
  • Press 9 for location and address of Canon Customer Care Centre

Service Hotline

  • Press 1 for Enterprise, Professional and Industrial Products
  • Press 2 for Cameras/Home Use/Compact Printers and Other Products
  • Press 3 to order toners, papers & staples
  • Press 4 for billing, account & contract matters
    • Press 1 for copier contract and copy charges
    • Press 2 for copies of invoices and certified true copies
    • Press 3 for other account matters
  • Press 9 for location and address of Canon Customer Care Centre

Sales Hotline

  • Press 1 for Enterprise, Professional and Industrial Products
  • Press 2 for Cameras/Home Use/Compact Printers and Other Products
  • Press 3 to order toners, papers & staples
  • Press 9 for location and address of Canon Customer Care Centre

Rent A Copier

Rent A Copier

Canon is pleased to offer our e-mail support to customers in Singapore. We will endeavour to answer your query as soon as we receive them.

Click here if you reside outside Singapore.

What function do you need in the machine? *

Do you need connectivity feature? *

No. of PC to be connected

Machine type *

Range of machine: *

Rent duration: *

Require on-site stand by: *

(* Required Field )

Canon Customer Care Centre
1 Fusionopolis Place,
#02-20 Galaxis (West Lobby)
Singapore 138522

Monday to Friday
10:00am - 7:00pm
10:00am - 2:30pm
Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays

Canon Singapore Pte. Ltd.
1 Fusionopolis Place,
#14-10 Galaxis
Singapore 138522