Unlisted Collection: Reinventing the art of hospitality (Part1) - Business Insight - Canon Singapore

Unlisted Collection: Reinventing the art of hospitality (Part1)

Unlisted Collection: Reinventing the art of hospitality (Part1)

From lawyer to hotelier and restaurateur, Unlisted Collection CEO Loh Lik Peng has taken the road less travelled to success. We talked to him about his unique Think Big story.

In a group that includes the award-winning Singapore hotels 1929, New Majestic and Wanderlust, the highly rated restaurant Table No. 1 in Shanghai and the Michelin-starred Viajante in London, the Unlisted Collection is a true pioneer of the unique. Equally exceptional is the journey of its CEO Loh Lik Peng from practicing law to building hotels. In Part 1 of our interview, he told us how it all began.

Find opportunity in the unlikely

A decade ago, he dared to put up Singapore’s first boutique hotel in Chinatown, a concept practically unheard of in a country that boasts of the world’s finest international hotel brands. The street is Keong Saik. The neighbourhood was red light. The place has been in the market multiple times and still no takers. Many were sceptical about his plan. Loh Lik Peng was up against great challenges, but his passion to build 1929 proved greater.

Believe in your idea

As a lawyer, Peng knew nothing about building or running a hotel. His bases for design were ideas he personally liked. He didn’t have the right knowledge but he knew the value of hiring competent people who shared his passion. He also believed he can make things work. But he kept his law licence, thinking he would probably end up going back to law. He didn’t.

After the success of Hotel 1929, Peng went on to build more hotels and restaurants. Today, the Unlisted Collection group employs hundreds of people in its various properties in Singapore, Shanghai, London and Sydney, and continues to receive acclaim for its distinct vision and daring style.

Watch out for Part 2 of our interview with Unlisted Collection CEO Loh Lik Peng »